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Black&White4 CTMplus

Barista feeling on a fully automatic coffee machine

The Pitcher Foam function of the Black&White4 CTMplus from Thermoplan offers a real barista feeling! It not only fulfills every conceivable coffee wish, but also impresses with maximum performance and a wide range of applications. From classic espresso to creamy cappuccino and latte machiato to creative latte art - the BW4 CTMplus makes everything possible, quickly and easily.

Thanks to the BW4 CTMplus's versatile milk lance, milk and milk alternatives can either be drawn from an external container, such as the original packaging, or directly from the integrated refrigerator and dispensed into the cup via the traditional beverage spout. A new feature is the option of pouring milk and milk foam directly into a separate pitcher and then artfully pouring them into the cup - ideal for professional latte art and perfect for making a subtle difference in coffee design.

With the Black&White4 CTMplus, Thermoplan combines modern design, innovation and barista artistry in a compact fully automatic machine - for a coffee experience that meets the highest demands.

The BW4 CTMplus enables the following three types of beverage preparation:

Conventional spout

The coffee and milk beverages are prepared through the conventional machine spout without using the milk lance. The milk is drawn from the existing refrigerator.

Coffee machine with Pitcher Foam for automatic milk frothing
Black&White4 CTMplus Pitcher Foam - milk alternative

Drawing in milk from an external container

The milk or a desired milk alternative is drawn directly from the original packaging, processed in the Thermoplan milk system and dispensed through the beverage outlet.

From the fridge to the pitcher

Frothing milk and milk alternatives from the integrated refrigerator through the milk wand into a pitcher, such as for creating latte art.


Black&White4 CTMplus Pitcher Foam - Milk foam from coffee machine in pitcher

Advantages with the Black&White4 CTMplus

This coffee machine is not only a powerful fully automatic  coffee machine, but also a real all-rounder that scores with its intuitive system and maximum convenience:

  • Flexible use of different milk types and alternatives in the interests of sustainability
  • Minimal food waste thanks to direct purchase from the original packaging 
  • Quick and easy to use, even for less experienced staff
  • Regular, automatic rinsing largely prevents cross-contamination
  • Barista feeling thanks to separate pitcher for perfect milk foam
  • Suitable beverage for every customer - from espresso to creative cappuccino 

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