8 min.

The art of black coffee: recipes for coffee drinks without milk

Whether espresso, lungo or café crème - let us show you the art of preparing black coffee. A journey through flavors and methods.

Some people enjoy their coffee creamy, with a dash of milk and a velvety topping of milk foam, as it is the case with a traditional cappuccino. Others, however, prefer the pure, unadulterated pleasure - black, without any additives. In this article, we will focus on this second category: coffee in its pure form.

Black coffee offers a world of flavor nuances that depend on the origin and the art of the roaster. Whether mild, fruity Arabica beans from the high-altitude plantations of Costa Rica and Brazil or strong Robusta blends - each variety has its own unique aroma. Different preparation methods allow these subtle differences to come into their own.

Espresso, the classic of the Italian coffee tradition, reveals the full power of the bean under pressure. With its dense crema, it offers an intense taste experience that presents the essence of the coffee in concentrated form. If you prefer something milder but still full-bodied, opt for black coffee. It is also extracted under pressure, but contains more water, which gives it a lighter and smoother aroma.

Every cup of black coffee is a little discovery journey. Whether strongly roasted or mild, whether from a small roastery in Italy or the high altitudes of Costa Rica - the pleasure awakens a fascination for a centuries-old tradition time and time again. Behind every cup is not only high-quality coffee, but also a great deal of passion and sensitivity that makes the perfect coffee drink.

But not all black coffee is the same. Depending on your preference for intensity and depth of aroma, there are many different ways to prepare it. The basis of every drink is always the classic, traditional espresso.

Ristretto: The even more intense espresso

The ristretto is the seductive intensive version of the classic espresso and delights coffee lovers with its powerful aroma and unmistakable taste experience. It tastes even more intense and concentrated than an espresso and brings out the nuances of the coffee beans perfectly.

A full-bodied ristretto requires 8 to 11 grams of finely ground coffee powder. The degree of grinding is crucial as it influences the character of the drink. With a filling quantity of only 15 to 20 millilitres, the ristretto is compact and strong, perfect for those who like it particularly aromatic. The extraction time should be between 15 and 20 seconds, which varies depending on the type of coffee and degree of roast. This allows the rich aromas of the beans to unfold, while a dense, golden-brown crema rounds off the taste experience.

Ristretto on wood in the spotlight
Espresso on wood in the spotlight

Espresso: the classic

A perfectly prepared espresso is more than just a strong coffee. It is considered the heart of coffee culture. With its intense aroma and velvety crema, it is the basis of many coffee specialties and a delight for all those who love the pure taste of the coffee bean.

One espresso requires between 8 and 11 grams of finely ground coffee powder. The right degree of grinding plays a decisive role here: the finer the powder, the longer the extraction time. This in turn leads to a more intense and concentrated taste. The optimum espresso delivers 25 to 30 milliliters of pure coffee enjoyment in a short brewing process. Ideally, the extraction time should be between 15 and 20 seconds, depending on the grade of coffee, the type of coffee used and the degree of roast of the beans. Darker roasts often require a slightly shorter extraction time, while lighter roasts unfold over a longer brewing time.

Doppio: The double espresso

A double espresso for all coffee lovers who like it particularly strong. With its intense taste and full-bodied aroma, it is the perfect choice for anyone who wants to enjoy coffee as a little break.

For an optimal Doppio, you need 14 to 18 grams of finely ground coffee powder, which gives it its special strength. This quantity ensures that the full character of the coffee beans comes to the fore in a filling quantity of 40 to 55 milliliters. Ideally, the extraction time is between 18 and 30 seconds and varies depending on the type of coffee and degree of roast. A longer extraction time can bring out the rich, complex aromas, while a shorter time ensures a somewhat lighter but still strong taste.

Doppio Espresso on wood in the spotlight
Lungo auf Holz im Spotlight

Lungo: The gentle one

The lungo is the mild alternative to the classic espresso, ideal for anyone who prefers a smoother coffee experience. As an extended espresso, it offers the opportunity to experience the aromas of the coffee bean in a less intense but more harmonious way.

For a full-bodied lungo, you need 8 to 11 grams of finely ground coffee powder, which is carefully selected to bring out the flavor nuances perfectly. In contrast to espresso, however, significantly more water is used here - between 60 and 90 milliliters - which results in a softer, rounder taste. This extension ensures that the lungo is less intense, but still retains the fine aromas and complexity of the coffee.

Preparation requires an adjusted extraction time, ideally between 25 and 35 seconds.

Black coffee: The mild pleasure

Black coffee, a popular Swiss invention, is the perfect choice for anyone who prefers a full-bodied coffee with a smooth note. This popular coffee creation offers the best of both worlds: the intensity of an espresso combined with the smoothness and fullness of a filter coffee.

For an ideal black coffee, you need 8 to 11 grams of medium-fine ground coffee. The right grind is crucial to bring out the flavors in the best possible way and to achieve an optimal balance between taste and body.

During preparation, 150 to 200 milliliters of water are used, which gives Café Crème its characteristic, full-bodied character. Ideally, the extraction time should be between 18 and 30 seconds, depending on the type of coffee and degree of roast. This period of time allows the fine aromas to develop, while at the same time creating an appealing crema that adorns the surface of the drink.

Coffee on wood in the spotlight
Americano on wood in the spotlight

Americano: The lighter one

The Americano is a coffee creation that consists of a classic or double espresso diluted with hot water. This method of preparation has its origins in the Second World War, when American soldiers in Europe were looking for a milder alternative to the intense espresso. The Americano offers the perfect balance between the strength of an espresso and the fine, aromatic richness of a filter coffee.

A freshly brewed espresso is needed to prepare an Americano, which forms the basis of the strong taste. Around 150 to 200 milliliters of hot water are then carefully added to achieve the desired mildness. This combination ensures that the Americano has a mild intensity, while the aromas of the coffee are not lost.

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