3 min.
with video

Cold Brew Mate

Time for a refreshing drink!

Cold brew mate is not only refreshing, but also a real pick-me-up thanks to the blend of coffee and mate. What's more, mate not only tastes good, it's also good for you! Did you know that it strengthens the body's immune system and aids digestion?

You can now enjoy it at Café unique or prepare it yourself at home.

Preparation time: 24 hours + 5 min.

You need:

  • Cold brew coffee
    At Café unique, we use a light roast from Kenya from Blossom Coffee to prepare cold brew. We add 75g of coarsely ground coffee per liter of water and leave it to infuse in the fridge for 24 hours. This gives the intensely flavourful and particularly caffeinated cold brew enough time to develop its aroma.
  • Ice cubes
  • mate
  • Lime

Fill a glass with ice cubes and then pour in up to half mate. Then top up with cold brew. To finish, decorate the glass with a slice of lime.

ColdBrew coffee with lime and bottle in Café

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