3 min.
with video

Iced banana coffee

Perfect refreshment for hot summer days!

On warm summer days, the demand for chilled coffee is particularly high. That’s why we love it – the Iced Banana Coffee! This drink is definitely a strong competitor to ice cream. It’s quick and easy to make and can even be perfectly served as a dessert.

Preparation time: 10 min.

You will need:

  • Banana shake
    • 1 banana
    • 120 ml milk of your choice
    • 4-5 ice cubes 
  • Double espresso (dark roast with a hint of chocolate, e.g. from India or Brazil, finely ground)
  • Ice cubes

Fill glass with ice cubes, pour double espresso over it and top up with banana shake, stir and you're done.

Coffee with banana milk and straw

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