4 min.

Self Serve options for Black&White4 und Black&White4 compact

More convenience and security in self-service areas

Whether convenience store, petrol station, hotel or office. The Black&White4 and Black&White4 compact provide the ultimate in self-service at the touch of a button!

Thanks to various options, the two Thermoplan fully automatic coffee machines can be perfectly equipped for the self-service area. These increase convenience and safety for guests and the machine's operating staff. The features can be specified flexibly in the machine configuration and individually tailored to your own requirements.

Options and benefits

Automatic spout
Place the desired cup, select the product and the spout automatically adjusts to the correct height. No spilling or leaking of coffee and milk. The automatic spout covers a height of 96 to 192 mm.

Cup recognition
Whether cappuccino, latte macchiato or espresso. The system recognizes cups regardless of material or size. This means that solid as well as transparent, dark and colored cups can be placed under the spout. The cup detection system recognizes them reliably. If the cup is missing completely, this is also indicated on the touch display. In addition, the integrated collision control automatically prevents the cup and spout from colliding. If the customer prefers to take their coffee with them in their own "to go" cup, they can of course do this too. The automatic spout with cup recognition enables the optimum "bring your own cup" concept.

Single spout
To ensure that nothing goes wrong and that the coffee and milk end up in the right cup, all coffee machines in the Black&White4 and Black&White4 compact product line can be equipped with a single spout as well as a double spout.

Coffee machine with single spout and espresso macchiato
Fully automatic coffee machine on counter with under-counter fridge in office

Bean detection
The sensor system of the optional bean detection reports a small amount of beans remaining in the bean container. This automatically prevents the machine from preparing a beverage with an insufficient amount of ground coffee.

Maximized counter space
In addition to cups, accessories and additional modules, there is often no space left for anything else on the counter surface. Thanks to the under-counter refrigerator and flavor module option, these two modules can be stowed under the counter and made invisible to customers. Perfect for creating more space on top for other elements or additional coffee machines.

Set dispenser
The coffee machine can be equipped with a grounds dispenser in the machine configuration for even greater self-service independence. The grounds dispenser completely eliminates the need to empty the grounds container during the day.

Waste water level monitoring
If the waste water in the tank is too high, the monitoring prevents overflowing and indicates a high fill level in good time.

The ability to close all openings and containers on the machine ensures safety and hygiene. This prevents contamination of coffee beans or the milk container by external influences. The bean container, machine front including grounds drawer, refrigerator and flavor module as well as the powder module can be securely locked.

Remote access
Maintenance does not always have to be carried out on site. With ThermoplanConnect remote access, costs and valuable time can be saved. Error messages can be viewed live via tablet or laptop and the machine settings can be accessed. This option provides the ideal first-level support for your fully automatic machine. Flexible and completely independent of time and place.

Lockable bean container with coffee from coffee machine on wooden table
Women at coffee machine in company canteen

Message Center
Another advantage of ThermoplanConnect is the Message Center, which supports smooth self-service operation. If a problem occurs or beans or milk need to be refilled, the owner is informed in good time. In this way, downtimes of the fully automatic machine are efficiently reduced and guests can enjoy their coffee for longer. Remote updates are also possible, for example for machine updates.

User-friendly touch display
The high-quality and easy-to-use touch display allows customers to obtain their desired beverage quickly, easily and in just a few clicks. Thanks to remote access, the product list and product arrangement can be changed and customized at any time. A great advantage if you want to promote specific products or special offers.

Payment module
Thanks to the payment module, guests no longer even need to go to the till. Once the product has been prepared and purchased, payment can be made quickly, conveniently and cashlessly.

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