
Easy cleaning and care

Two criteria are paramount in the cleaning and care of a fully automatic coffee machine: hygiene and safety. Every Thermoplan appliance complies with the strictest regulations. Thanks to well thought-out technology and an automatic cleaning system, all our fully automatic coffee machines can be cleaned easily and quickly - a great advantage in the hectic day-to-day business! We supply specially produced tabs for cleaning. This also guarantees the exact dosage of cleaning agent.

With the Black&White4 neo, simple video sequences on the touch display guide you through the entire cleaning process, which only takes a few minutes. The coffee path is cleaned autonomously once a week and the milk path once a day, descaling takes place automatically. With the Black&White4 and Black&White4 compact, the cleaning intervals are pre-programmed, which simplifies the process and ensures beverage quality. The Black&White4 automatically recommends cleaning the milk path after 24 hours and the coffee path after 48 hours. Complete cleaning takes 17 minutes. The Black&White4 compact recommends cleaning the milk path after 24 hours and the coffee path after 72 hours. A complete cleaning process takes a maximum of 25 minutes. 

In addition, all our coffee machines are easy to clean and can be cleaned from the outside with common, mild cleaning agents.

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