
Direct to the customer worldwide

Thermoplan is at home in Weggis and at home worldwide. Together with over 200 certified sales and service partners, we are close to our customers in 72 countries and devote our full attention to their needs.

Excellent service plays a central role for us. For us, our service partners are more than just a sales channel: they are the direct, local contact for our customers and thus the global face of Thermoplan. In regular product training courses on site or in Weggis, we ensure that our service partners always have the latest product and company know-how.

In this way, we guarantee to always meet individual customer needs and rapidly growing market requirements. Whether technical questions or individual requirements, we take every concern seriously and are always there for our customers.

What can we do for you?

Blechverarbeitung und DrahtverarbeitungChromstahlbeckenChromstahlpoolsCreanetEinbauschrank nach Mass für GenerationenErdsondenbohrungenFitLine,Powercocktail,RestorateFull Service Marketing Agentur Holzbau InnenausbauMessestand & Point of SaleMetallbau, Balkonverglasung, SitzplatzverglasungPermanent Make UpPermanent Make Up - Augen Permanent Make Up - Augenbrauen Permanent Make Up - Lippen Photovoltaikanlage, SolartechnikPhysiothermSchule für Massage, Kosmetik, FusspflegeSEO & SEA Strategie Social MediaTherapiebeckenTreuhand LuzernWebdesignWerbeagentur für Digital und BrandingWhirlpool, Physiotherm, Wellness