
50 years of Thermoplan!


Domenic and Esther Steiner's journey once began with whipped cream machines and milk frothers. This paved the way for Thermoplan AG to become one of the most successful developers and producers of fully automatic coffee machines. Today, we look back with pride and gratitude on 50 years full of exciting, eventful, varied and unforgettable moments - and we celebrated them in style.

Last Thursday, our journey took us to Zurich, where we celebrated our 50th anniversary in das Zelt. With the theme "Gala Evening", everyone turned up in elegant attire, ready for the long-awaited event. CEO Adrian Steiner charmingly hosted the evening and shared Thermoplan's milestones and exciting insights about the future with us.

One major project, which was launched to mark the 50th anniversary and the opening of the new building unique and presented to all Thermoplanners for the first time at the gala evening, was the uniqueBean project. With this project, Thermoplan aims to implement various projects in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa and in the Bale region over the next four years in order to help local people achieve a more stable livelihood and promote sustainable coffee cultivation.

There was also plenty of entertainment. The surprise guest on stage was none other than comedian Michael Mittermeier, who made the entire tent laugh with his humorous performance. We were also enchanted by fascinating performances from the Styleacrobats and Jonglissimo, while acrobat Krasimir Vasov gave the audience a thrill with his breathtaking balancing skills at a height of five meters.

The evening was a complete success, with over 400 guests all contributing to an unforgettable atmosphere. This event not only marks another milestone in our history, but also fills us with anticipation and determination for the future - here's to another 50 years!

50 years of Thermoplan!
50 years of Thermoplan!
50 years of Thermoplan!
50 years of Thermoplan!
50 years of Thermoplan!
50 years of Thermoplan!
50 years of Thermoplan!
50 years of Thermoplan!
50 years of Thermoplan!
50 years of Thermoplan!
50 years of Thermoplan!
50 years of Thermoplan!
50 years of Thermoplan!
50 years of Thermoplan!
50 years of Thermoplan!
50 years of Thermoplan!
50 years of Thermoplan!
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