
New association tüftelPark Rigi organises second tüftelCamp at Thermoplan

The newly founded association tüftelPark Rigi is organising the second tüftelCamp in the facilities of Thermoplan Weggis.

Work together on an autonomous electric vehicle and send it out on a test track at the end of the project week: The newly founded association tüftelPark Rigi is organising the second tüftelCamp in the facilities of Thermoplan Weggis.  

During the Easter holiday week from 17 to 21 April, another tüftelCamp will be held for young people from the communities around the Mount Rigi. This year's project revolves around the construction of an autonomous vehicle, based on SAM, the self-driving transport vehicle used in the production of Thermoplan. The project thus provides practical insights into the professions of design engineer, electronics technician and polymechanic.  

The tüftelPark Rigi association was founded on 23 January. Alongside tüftelPark Pilatus, it is another active initiative against the shortage of skilled workers, promotes the inventive, craft and creative talents of young people and gets them excited about technical professions. The foundation of the association should make it easier to launch further projects that give children and young people better access to technology, natural sciences and apprenticeships in these fields. In the future, more tüftelCamps will therefore take place in Weggis and enable young people to take part in exciting projects. 

More information and registration are available at www.tueftelpark-rigi.ch.

New association tüftelPark Rigi organises second tüftelCamp at Thermoplan
New association tüftelPark Rigi organises second tüftelCamp at Thermoplan
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