
Best Supplier Award 2022

Computechnic, Valbag and A. Späni AG receive the Best Supplier Award 2022 from Thermoplan.

As part of a supplier evaluation, Thermoplan selects the best suppliers for the first time. From a supplier base of around 360 suppliers, a winner was evaluated in each of the three categories, mechanics, electronics and injection moulding and modules. The criteria of partnership, costs, delivery performance and quality as well as continuous improvement and development were included in the evaluation. 

The awards were handed over directly at our suppliers' locations by our Chief Supply Chain Officer Silvio Vanoli and his team. On this occasion, the three companies and their production facilities could be visited and there was enough time for conversations. 

The best suppliers for 2022 are:

Mechanics: A. Späni AG from Raron 
Electronics: Computechnic AG from Goldach
Injection moulding and modules: Valbag AG from Gampel 

We are proud to have such great partners at our side!

We would also like to express our sincere thanks to all the other suppliers who work with us every day and support us in offering our customers the best products and solutions. Without their valuable support and cooperation, our success would not be possible. We greatly appreciate the partnership with each and every supplier and look forward to further successful cooperation in the future.

Best Supplier Award 2022
Best Supplier Award 2022
Best Supplier Award 2022
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