
Best Supplier 2023

And the award for the best supplier goes to...

At Thermoplan, we have always attached great importance to a reliable supplier network and long-term partnerships. Over 80% of our suppliers are based in Switzerland. In recognition of their great work, we annually select the best suppliers in the three product groups of mechanics, electronics and injection moulding & modules.

A questionnaire with the categories partnership, costs, delivery performance, quality and continuous improvement as well as development serves as the basis for the assessment. This is completed by the respective product group manager for each of the approximately 360 suppliers. Only the best supplier in the respective product group receives the "Best Supplier 2023" award from Thermoplan.

We have honoured this year:

Congratulations on this unique supplier partnership. We look forward to working together as partners in the coming year.

Best Supplier 2023
Best Supplier 2023
Best Supplier 2023
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