
Bike to work - A different way to get to work

Annoying traffic jams, overcrowded buses and delayed trains in exchange for physical exercise and lots of fresh air. A commute to work can also be this relaxed and close to nature.

Annoying traffic jams, overcrowded buses and delayed trains in exchange for physical exercise and lots of fresh air. A way to work can also be this relaxed and close to nature. Many Thermoplaners experienced this during the bike to work challenge. 

bike to work is committed to promoting health in companies throughout Switzerland. The goal is to encourage employees to cycle to work instead of taking the car or public transport. This year again, about 2,400 companies took part in the campaign, thus increasing the team spirit and fitness of their employees. 

At Thermoplan, as well, many employees have cycled to work over the past two months. The car or public transport was replaced by the bicycle. Whether in the rain or in bright sunshine, motivation was high throughout the challenge and 55 people in 14 teams competed against each other. Together we were able to complete 1,407 cycling days and a total of 28,185 km. Expressed in the amount of saved CO2, this corresponds to a flight from Zurich to San Francisco and back. The strongest team covered a total of 6,515 km by bike in just two months. 

We congratulate all participants for their personal success and the valuable contribution to their own health and sustainable mobility behaviour. As a thank you, all participants will also receive a small gift this year. A voucher from Gewerbe Weggis is the reward for their efforts.

And we at Thermoplan will continue to support cyclists in the future. Not only in our existing plants, but also in the construction of the new building unique, we are thinking about the construction of covered bicycle spaces. 

We look forward to many of you replacing your car or public transport with a bicycle in the future.

Bike to work - A different way to get to work
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