
Black&White4 CTS hits the Big Apple

Thermoplan USA, along with distributor Espresso Mio in New Jersey, solved a problem for Gregorys Coffee on the Friday before the Labor Day weekend.

Gregorys contacted us to let us know that the traditional espresso machine in their flagship coffee shop at Times Square had had a failure.

Fortunately, three Black&White4 CTS machines were in stock at Espresso Mio for another Gregorys location. We quickly consulted with our contact at Gregorys and informed them that we had the personalized machines in stock and needed their approval to assign them to the Times Square location.

Once we had this approval, Espresso Mio drove to Gregorys in Manhattan with two shiny red fully automated coffee machines in the van. After a straightforward installation and calibration, a Black&White4 CTS was immediately put into operation to take over the work from the previous traditional machine.

The baristas were thrilled with the performance, ease of use and beverage quality of the Black&White4 CTS. The second machine will be installed as soon as the second power connection is available at Gregorys.The two machines will then serve delicious coffee drinks to the many guests in Times Square all year round.

The collaboration between Espresso Mio, Thermoplan USA and Gregorys Coffee is just one of many examples of our commitment. In this case, we dropped everything to install machines in Times Square before a holiday weekend. We are always there for our customers and support them in the best and fastest way possible.

Black&White4 CTS hits the Big Apple
Black&White4 CTS hits the Big Apple
Black&White4 CTS hits the Big Apple
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