
Christian Matzke becomes new Managing Director of Thermoplan Germany

We are pleased to announce that Christian Matzke will take over the management of Thermoplan Germany as of April 1, 2025.

At the turn of the year, Sven Schilliger took over responsibility on an interim basis before Christian Matzke took over the position permanently.

Christian Matzke has extensive experience in managing global companies. As General Manager at Reneka International, he developed successful business strategies, optimized processes and achieved sustainable increases in efficiency. His expertise in optimizing supply chains, fostering high-performing teams and improving processes will significantly strengthen Thermoplan Germany.

With his strong customer focus and strategic thinking, Christian Matzke has the ideal qualifications to further drive the growth and success of Thermoplan Germany. We are convinced that he will provide valuable impetus with his experience and commitment.

We warmly welcome him to Thermoplan. Together we look forward to a promising future!

Christian Matzke becomes new Managing Director of Thermoplan Germany
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