
Nominated for the EY Entrepreneur of the Year 2024

Adrian Steiner has qualified as one of three finalists for the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2024 in the Industry, High-Tech & Life Sciences category.

Every year, EY Switzerland honors outstanding entrepreneurs in four categories. This year, 15 impressive business personalities from 12 different companies were selected from 63 applications. They are invited to the gala event at the KKL Lucerne.

In 2006, Thermoplan founder Domenic Steiner won the prestigious award. Now we are incredibly proud that Adrian Steiner is one of the three finalists in the Industry, High-Tech & Life Sciences category. The jury described him as follows: “Adrian Steiner has managed to successfully drive forward the diversification of his very well-known company and position it more broadly.”

Adrian Steiner started at Thermoplan in 1998 as the 21st employee - he has played a decisive role in the rapid growth of the company and has been CEO of the internationally active company with over 500 employees since 2009.

We wish him every success and can hardly wait for the award ceremony on 4 October at the Culture and Convention Center Lucerne (KKL). Toi toi toi Adrian!

Nominated for the EY Entrepreneur of the Year 2024
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