
A first look into the unique building

The design and layout of the rooms is taking more and more shape and so the first drafts have already been visualised.

Progress is being made on the construction site almost daily. But there is also a lot going on behind the scenes, the design and layout of the rooms is taking more and more shape and the first drafts have already been visualised.

You will be welcomed into the new factory in a large, bright atrium. 

In addition, the Café Unique has already been visualised, which invites you to linger with a view of our fully automatic coffee machines while you enjoy your welcome coffee. 

The first drafts of the office space with spacious meeting rooms and modern open-plan offices have also been drawn up. 

Take a look for yourself!

A first look into the unique building
A first look into the unique building
A first look into the unique building
A first look into the unique building
A first look into the unique building
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