
Founding of the tüftelPark Rigi association enables further project weeks for young people around the Rigi

On 23 January 2023, the founding papers of the tüftelPark Rigi association were signed at the Thermoplan premises.

On 23 January 2023, the founding papers of the tüftelPark Rigi association were signed at the Thermoplan premises. Like its counterpart, the tüftelPark Pilatus, the association is intended to promote the inventive, craft and creative talents of children and young people in the region of the lakeside communities of Weggis, Vitznau and Greppen with a regular range of activities. The tüftelPark Rigi thus sees itself as an active initiative against the shortage of skilled workers and aims to inspire young people to take up technical professions.

The offer is intended to motivate children and young people between the ages of 9 and 16 for STEM professions, promote talents and discover hidden potential - a place for experiments and project-oriented learning. The association was founded by Thermoplan AG and the Steiner family. Adrian Steiner, CEO of Thermoplan, and Fabio Küttel, headmaster of the Weggis school, serve as president and vice president. The 2point team from Alpnach is in charge of the management and the programme.

"The tüftelCamp in the past autumn holidays inspired numerous young people and was a complete success. We are all the more pleased that with the founding of the tüftelPark Rigi association, further tüftelCamps can take place here in the region around the Rigi," explains Fabio Küttel. The first project of the newly founded association will be the tüftelCamp in this year's Easter holiday week from 17 to 21 April. This will be the second time that an action week will take place at the Thermoplan premises. The founding of the association is intended to facilitate the launch of further projects that give children and young people better access to technology, the natural sciences and apprenticeships in these fields. In the future, more tüftelCamps will therefore take place in Weggis and enable young people to take part in exciting construction projects.

Picture - From left to right: Gabriela Bachmann, Cedrik Brunner, Samuel Friedrich, Andri Pol, Fabio Küttel, Adrian Steiner

Founding of the tüftelPark Rigi association enables further project weeks for young people around the Rigi
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