
Thermoplan at Internorga 2023 - Premium foam with milk alternatives enables new coffee variety

Visit the Thermoplan Germany team at the Internorga in Hamburg in Hall A4, Stand 304.

The Thermoplan Germany team will also be at this year's Internorga in Hamburg in Hall A4, Stand 304. One focus is on solutions for even more sustainability and for processing milk alternatives. The family-owned company, which is based in Switzerland, focuses entirely on combining sustainability and coffee enjoyment and will be presenting technologies for processing several types of milk at the fair, among other things. Internorga takes place from 10 to 14 March at Messe Hamburg and is considered the leading international trade fair for the entire out-of-home market.

The market demand for sustainable solutions for fully automatic coffee machines continues to grow strongly. Thermoplan is responding with flexible solutions in the processing of milk alternatives and is presenting its two-milk solution in the fully automatic Black&White4 at Internorga. Two milk containers placed in the integrated refrigerator of the Black&White4 CTM allow coffee drinks to be made with any type of milk: cow's milk, lactose-free or plant-based milk alternatives are processed by the machine into coffee specialities or high-quality premium foam at the touch of a button.

Find out all the details of the Thermoplan machine highlights in the press release.

Thermoplan at Internorga 2023 - Premium foam with milk alternatives enables new coffee variety
Thermoplan at Internorga 2023 - Premium foam with milk alternatives enables new coffee variety
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