
Thermoplan Germany at the Internorga in Hamburg

Thermoplan Germany will be present at Internorga in Hamburg from 30 April to 4 May 2022. We look forward to welcoming you in Hall A4, Stand 304.

Thermoplan Germany will be present at Internorga in Hamburg from 30 April to 4 May 2022. We look forward to welcoming you in Hall A4, Stand 304. The following highlights await you in the media release and at the trade fair:

New sales structure
A new sales structure has been in place at Thermoplan Germany since 1 April 2022. With the new organisation, more market and customer proximity will be established. 

Black&White4 neo
At the beginning of the year, the Black&White4 neo was officially introduced to the global market. It enables the highest coffee competence in segments with a low to medium daily demand. In addition to fresh milk, neo also froths powdered milk into a premium foam.

Thermoplan Powerstation
A highlight and at the same time a real novelty is the Thermoplan Powerstation: five coffee machines on only 1.15 metres deliver up to 1,000 cappuccini a day. The ideal solution to cope with strong fluctuations in the number of visitors. 

Black&White4 CTMplus
The topic of alternative milks is becoming increasingly important. The Black&White4 CTM plus meets this need. Using a milk lance, any type of milk can be drawn directly from the packaging and processed into the best coffee-milk drinks.

The Thermoplan team will be happy to demonstrate the highlights live at Internorga.

Thermoplan Germany at the Internorga in Hamburg
Thermoplan Germany at the Internorga in Hamburg
Thermoplan Germany at the Internorga in Hamburg
Thermoplan Germany at the Internorga in Hamburg
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