
Milestone in new building uniquely reached

The floor slab of the new building unique has been in place since last week. On 9 July, we celebrated this important interim result together with the Thermoplan staff and the companies involved in the

Since last week, the floor slab of the new building is unique. On 9 July, we celebrated this important interim result together with the Thermoplan staff and the companies involved in the construction. There were again many highlights at this Thermoplan celebration, which we do not want to withhold from you. 

Thanks to the Rigi rope park, visitors were able to float above the construction site on a zipline and view the whole thing from above. The freestyle motocross show also took the audience to the heights, with four riders showing off their tricks and stunts to the best of their ability. In addition, there was a boat swing, a photobus and an excavator. Musical entertainment was once again provided by the band Rockload and DJ Esteban. While we were all enjoying the party, graffiti artist Ralph Hospenthal created a very special Thermoplan logo, which will remind us of the evening in the new building for a long time to come.

Delicious food and snacks for in between were also provided. With juicy burgers from the fire ring, fine pasta, the best Thai specialities and crispy pizza, we were treated to culinary delights and let the evening fade into the small hours. 

It was nice that we were all able to celebrate this milestone together. The next step for Christen AG is to start with the shell construction, which will be completed in March 2023.

Milestone in new building uniquely reached
Milestone in new building uniquely reached
Milestone in new building uniquely reached
Milestone in new building uniquely reached
Milestone in new building uniquely reached
Milestone in new building uniquely reached
Milestone in new building uniquely reached
Milestone in new building uniquely reached
Milestone in new building uniquely reached
Milestone in new building uniquely reached
Milestone in new building uniquely reached
Milestone in new building uniquely reached
Milestone in new building uniquely reached
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