
Our new website is live!

Anyone who clicks on our website since yesterday will immediately notice that everything looks a little different. Because the Thermoplan website appears in new splendour!

Over the last few weeks and months, we have been busy redesigning the entire website. 

The previous site had been shaping the appearance on the web since 2017, so when talking about a new digital image, it was agreed that a new website was needed! It should be more modern, more user-friendly and fresher, and it should present all the important information in a smart and clear way. And last but not least, its design should be adapted to the new unique building, which will be opened in 2024.

There were many decisions to be made for this major project: What should the website look like? Which contents must be retained? What is the project schedule? Last autumn, the time had come and we got to work. In view of our new unique building, it was clear that the design should be based on the colours of the new plant. During the whole process we were accompanied by creanet, a web agency from Geuensee, LU. From start to finish, we could count on their active support and professional expertise.

But the website is not only fresh on the surface, it also has some new features to offer in terms of content. The highlights include:

In addition, new sections are planned for the near future, including:

  • Customer success stories
  • Coffee Know-how Blog 

After an intensive period and many hours of work, we are very happy to see and present the final result. We hope you enjoy browsing through the new website!

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