
Review 2023 and outlook 2024

The year 2023 is slowly but surely drawing to a close. At Thermoplan, we prefer to look to the future, but in this case, it is definitely worth taking a look at the past.

In addition to many smaller projects, we were able to complete four pioneering projects this year, which we would like to take a closer look at.

Black&White4 CT
In 2023, we started directly with a new machine model. The Black&White4 CT was developed for coffee lovers. With its compact design, it treats its customers with coffee and tea specialities. As this machine does not process milk, the cleaning process only takes 6.5 minutes.
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Black&White4 CTS
DuringHost 2023 in Milan, we presented a ground-breaking innovation! Thanks to the multifunctional lance of the Black&White4 CTS, it is possible for both baristas and untrained staff to froth milk or milk alternatives perfectly and create amazing latte art. The AutoSteam function supports manual frothing with a temperature sensor, while the unique AirSteam® function enables fully automatic frothing.
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Standby function
Thermoplan is not only an innovator when it comes to products, we are also at the forefront when it comes to sustainability. In the middle of the year, we launched the standby function, which automatically switches our Black&White machines to standby mode after cleaning. This can reduce power consumption by up to 20%.
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Remote access
Perform updates, check performance or load new recipes onto the machine. All this and more is possible from anywhere and at any time thanks to Remote Access. We were also able to present this function to a broad international audience for the first time at the Host.

Next year will not be less spectacular! With the 50th anniversary of Thermoplan in March and the opening of the new building "unique" in June, two major highlights are on the agenda. And of course we still have an ace up our sleeve - stay tuned!

Review 2023 and outlook 2024
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