
Ribbed elements for flexible room designs

In Weggis, several articulated lorries drove up again in January. They delivered concrete slabs, so-called rib elements, for the new building unique.

This week, the second stage of the up to 18-metre long and 2-metre wide rib elements was laid. In November last year, elements were already installed in the first stage on the unique construction site.

There is a reason why the rib elements are delivered to Weggis in one piece and not in many small parts. The pre-tensioning by means of steel cables inside the rib elements enables large support-free spans. This allows maximum flexibility in the design and use of the space. In addition, Hilti HAC rails are installed in the rib elements, which allow flexible installation of ventilation ducts, electrical and sanitary installations without drilling holes in the ceiling. In order to save time on the construction site, the rib elements are produced in prefabrication at Element AG in Veltheim and then delivered to Weggis.

A third delivery of ribbed elements will also find its way to Weggis. In April, more elements will be installed.

Ribbed elements for flexible room designs
Ribbed elements for flexible room designs
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