
Thermoplan begins new partnership with Selecta

On 7 February 2022, our CEO, Adrian Steiner, had the pleasure of signing the contract at Selecta in Cham together with Christian Schmitz, CEO Selecta.

On 7 February 2022, our CEO, Adrian Steiner, had the pleasure of signing the corresponding contract at Selecta in Cham together with Christian Schmitz, CEO Selecta.

Selecta is the leading provider of vending machines and coffee services in Europe. With solutions that combine smart self-service concepts and highest coffee quality, Selecta and Thermoplan are taking the next step towards excellent coffee experiences in the workplace and on-the-go.

The We Proudly Serve Starbucks® programme is a global concept of served and self-served coffee bars which enable the authentic coffee experience people know from the Starbucks® coffee houses. This means they can enjoy the best coffee in kiosks, gas stations, in their workplace and many other places. Thanks to innovative and unique technologies, our Black&White fully-automatic coffee machines have already been installed in numerous We Proudly Serve Starbucks® locations around the globe. Thanks to the valuable partnership with Selecta, many more stations in Europe will now gradually be equipped with Thermoplan machines from Weggis. 

Selecta's Coffee Corners already sell 700 million coffees a year in 16 European countries, making up to one million customers happy every day. In the future, you will be able to enjoy coffee in premium quality, with cold or hot milk foam with a child's play operation from Thermoplan's fully-automatic coffee machines. 

Thermoplan begins new partnership with Selecta
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