

Last month, our employees were able to take part in job exchanges, learn more about projects at presentations and take part in numerous after-work events. The focus was always on team building.

Last year we celebrated Crazy September! Our long-awaited reunion after a long home office phase. This year, the focus was on team building. Therefore, the new name SepTEAMber. 

From hiking to fishing to indoor table soccer tournaments, there was a suitable event for every employee. In this way, the non-business get-together was strongly promoted and people got to know each other better on a private basis. 

Professional exchanges were also not neglected during the last four weeks. In addition to informative events about various projects such as the fully automatic coffee machine with AirSteam function or the in-house Technology & Innovation Center (TIC), there were exciting job exchanges. Employees were given an insight into the construction of a coffee machine or were able to actively participate in production for one day. In addition, there were product presentations with the most important information about the Thermoplan machines. Not only the fully automatic coffee machines, but also the Smart Building with the unique construction or the sustainability with a test of milk alternatives were represented. 

Full of energy and great excitement, we now move on to October and the continuation of a wide variety of projects. 

Ausbildungsangebot für Strassenbauer und TiefbaumitarbeiterBauleitung, Projektleitung, Küchenumbau, Badumbau, SanierungenBegehbarer Kleiderschrank AnkleideCreanetDigital Signage Displaylösungen massgeschneidert für Ihr UnternehmenEinbauschrank nach Mass für GenerationenESET Antivirus EuropaFitLine,Powercocktail,RestorateFleischverarbeitung, Schlachten, MaschinenFull Service Marketing Agentur Innenausbau vom ProfiKaminfeger Koch :: Kaminfaegerdienst, Feuerungskontrolle, BrandschutzKüchenbau nach MassLeuchten und LeuchtsystemeMetallbau, Balkonverglasung, SitzplatzverglasungMicrosoft 365 BackupNachfolgeregelung Sursee & RegionRandabschlüsse Creabeton Plattenbeläge Betonplatten Creabeton Treppenstufen BlockstufenRenovationen & BauleitungStrassenbauer/inTextilpflege, Hemden-Service, Chemische ReinigungWebagentur Luzern, SurseeWebdesign Luzern Sursee Zug ZürichWinkelplattenWohnung kaufen in Rain