
Social engagement 2023

Since last year, all Thermoplaners are allowed to do a social engagement.

In 2023, a number of voluntary work projects have already been carried out. For example, our employees were at an alpine farming site, at the ski camp, mucking out a chicken coop or at the music camp.

With social engagement, we give something back to society and the region around our company location in Weggis. At the same time, we let our employees broaden their horizons. We started this in 2022 as a sign of solidarity. And because the social day was so well appreciated by both the Thermoplaners and the people supported, we are holding the day again this year.

Are you interested in getting help? Feel free to contact us at thermoplan@thermoplan.ch. We are always looking for activities that we can offer our employees.

Social engagement 2023
Social engagement 2023
Social engagement 2023
Social engagement 2023
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