
Starbucks visit in Weggis

Thank you very much for the visit!

Last week we had the pleasure of welcoming Starbucks CEO, Laxman Narasimhan, and the Starbucks Executive Team to Weggis. 

On a tour of our premises, we were able to present current and future Starbucks projects in our R&D and visit the logistics, production and office facilities together. 

Of course, there was also enough time for conversations. 

We are extremely proud of this long-standing, strong partnership and look forward to further successful projects. 

As a souvenir of the day, we have a signed Mastrena 2 and many positive impressions.

Starbucks visit in Weggis
Starbucks visit in Weggis
Starbucks visit in Weggis
Starbucks visit in Weggis
Starbucks visit in Weggis
Starbucks visit in Weggis
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