
Summer vibes at Thermoplan

Heaven & Hell - At the summer party, the unique building was put into operation for the first time.

Heaven & Hell - At the summer party, the unique building was put into operation for the first time.

Since the maximum height of the new building is almost reached and we all could hardly wait to see the building from the inside, this year's Thermoplan summer party took place on and in the new building unique. The celebration was held together with the entire staff of the companies involved in the construction. Thus, on June 24, 540 people met in heaven&hell, i.e. on the roof and on the ground floor of the future plant.

On the roof we enjoyed heavenly delicacies from Café Dahinden and the original fire ring from Immensee. From crispy aperitif pastries to juicy burgers and delicious Älplermagronen to cotton candy and ice cream, there was something for everyone. On the ground floor, we danced to hellish sounds of Alto Voltaggio, a rock cover band from Ticino, and techno music from DJ Chicken Arrow.

Definitely another successful company event!

Summer vibes at Thermoplan
Summer vibes at Thermoplan
Summer vibes at Thermoplan
Summer vibes at Thermoplan
Summer vibes at Thermoplan
Summer vibes at Thermoplan
Summer vibes at Thermoplan
Summer vibes at Thermoplan
Summer vibes at Thermoplan
Summer vibes at Thermoplan
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