
TüftelCamp Rigi 2023

The second tüftelCamp of tüftelPark Rigi was a complete success! 13 motivated young inventors set themselves a challenging task last week!

The second tüftelCamp of tüftelPark Rigi was a complete success! 13 motivated young inventors set themselves a challenging task last week: how can you build a vehicle that drives autonomously from A to B and transports an object at the same time?

With creativity and team spirit, the participants collected ideas at Thermoplan AG and quickly covered the windows with Post-it notes. Some of them were feasible, others were intended more as inspiration. Finally, the individual groups decided on an idea that they could implement, with the aim of being the winning team at the end of the week.

With inputs on CAD drawing, 3D printing and Arduino programming, the young inventors had the necessary tools to assemble the final vehicle.

As befits a tüftelCamp, we tried to show the young inventors the connection between their challenge and the real world. The tüftelCamp was held on the premises of the company Thermoplan AG. Thanks to this proximity to practice and the support of the apprentices, the various professions were brought closer together with the inputs and a guided tour of the respective workplaces.

On Friday afternoon, the time had finally come. Parents, siblings, sponsors and employees of Thermoplan cheered the teams on during the competition. Congratulations to the winning team "SpaceTaxi" on their well-deserved success!

The tüftelCamp was a huge success and we are already looking forward to the next event in autumn 2023.

You can find information about the association and other offers at www.tueftelpark-rigi.ch.


TüftelCamp Rigi 2023
TüftelCamp Rigi 2023
TüftelCamp Rigi 2023
TüftelCamp Rigi 2023
TüftelCamp Rigi 2023
TüftelCamp Rigi 2023
TüftelCamp Rigi 2023
TüftelCamp Rigi 2023
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