
tüftelPark Rigi takes place for the first time - in the location of Thermoplan

Tinkering together on a problem and getting to know different technical professions - the tüftelPark Rigi launches its first project in our Weggis premises.

Working together on a problem and getting to know different technical professions - the tüftelPark Rigi starts its first project in in our location in Weggis. At the tüftelCamp from October 3 to 7, children and young people (from 5th grade) will develop a sorting system for Skittles. Together with our apprentices, the group will not only construct a fully functional machine, but will also gain practical insights into the professions of electrical engineer, automation engineer, design engineer and polymechanic. Nothing works without craftsmanship - that's why we support programs in which children and young people can discover and apply their inventive, technical and creative talents.

At tüftelCamp, teams learn all the basics for building and programming a Skittles paint sorting system. There will be insights into CAD drawing, soldering, electronics and programming, and all components will be produced on the 3D printer. Through the support and collaboration with Thermoplan's apprentices, there will be real insights and eye-to-eye exchanges. As a conclusion of the project, the different teams will compete against one another and the best sorter will be awarded. 

The autumn week was a pilot test, supported and carried out by the already established tüftelPark Pilatus. The tüftelPark Rigi is an active initiative against the shortage of skilled workers, promotes the inventive, craft and creative talents of young people and inspires them for technical professions. For this reason, analogous to the association tüftelPark Pilatus, the association tüftelPark Rigi is founded. In this way, further projects can be launched that give children and young people better access to technology, the natural sciences and apprenticeships in these fields. More information about the association and the individual offers can be found at www.tueftelpark-rigi.ch.

tüftelPark Rigi takes place for the first time - in the location of Thermoplan
tüftelPark Rigi takes place for the first time - in the location of Thermoplan
tüftelPark Rigi takes place for the first time - in the location of Thermoplan
tüftelPark Rigi takes place for the first time - in the location of Thermoplan
tüftelPark Rigi takes place for the first time - in the location of Thermoplan
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