
Unique MOVE - in-house fitness studio and much more!

In the new building unique, our company's own fitness studio opens, equipped with highly professional equipment. A separate area for group training sessions, yoga or pilates is also available.

At MOVE, the focus is not just on training, but on a holistic experience for body and mind.

The journey to the gym can be saved and our employees' precious time can be spent effectively. After an intensive day at work, there is the opportunity to reduce stress, strengthen the body and feel refreshed. This investment in physical and mental health is invaluable not only for employees, but also for the company.

The results of the survey in November/December 2023 show that many employees look forward to getting active directly in the unique before or after work. We value the needs of our employees and prioritise their health.

And we even go one step further. In addition to individual training before or after work, targeted exercises are offered to counteract work-related complaints. Together, we strengthen muscles that are particularly challenged by daily activities.

And why not work in a different setting? Interactive meetings or workshops can also be held in the fitness room and thus contribute to creative food for thought, the promotion of team spirit and more motivation.

Let us surprise you with how we integrate the unique MOVE into the Thermoplan world!

Unique MOVE - in-house fitness studio and much more!
Unique MOVE - in-house fitness studio and much more!
Unique MOVE - in-house fitness studio and much more!
Unique MOVE - in-house fitness studio and much more!
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