
Own electricity thanks to solar panels

We work with green electricity!

Solar panels have already been installed on the roof of the shuttle warehouse since 2019 and, depending on the weather, we currently obtain up to 175,000 kWh per year of our electricity requirements from this sustainable source. In future, we will increase the amount of self-generated electricity thanks to solar panels on the new unique building and the existing Plant 2.

1050 solar panels have been installed on the roof of the unique, generating up to 450,000 kWh of electricity per year depending on the amount of sunlight. On sunny days, we therefore power a large part of the building with our own solar energy. The installations on the unique roof are currently still in full swing. However, the first electricity of our own solar panels will be produced at the beginning of May.

But what happens to the surplus electricity that is not needed? This is simply fed into the EWS grid.

Own electricity thanks to solar panels
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