
Windows, roof, facade - the shell of the new building unique takes shape

The total height has almost been reached and the shell of the new building is slowly but surely being built. We are starting with the windows.

The maximum height has almost been reached. What will happen to the shell of the building now?

The first windows are already installed. As soon as we have reached the maximum height, the company Bucher Dach will carry out the emergency waterproofing on the roof. After that, the roof edge and the cover plates will be constructed by 4B. As soon as all the ceilings have been concreted, the building will be measured and the substructure for the facade will be installed. Step by step, the facade is then mounted on the mullion-transom system.

Why did we start with the windows?

This is due to the high level of prefabrication of the facade. Therefore, all the elements, including the windows, and the roof edge have to be installed first. Only then the rest of the facade can be installed.

What is then installed?

Once all the windows have been installed, the rest of the facade is insulated and we can start installing the substructure and the facade elements. These have already been prefabricated at 4B in Hochdorf. You can read about how the process went in the Inside Story (German only).

Windows, roof, facade - the shell of the new building unique takes shape
Windows, roof, facade - the shell of the new building unique takes shape
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