
New booth for the World Latte Art Championships

Hej København, here we come!

Not long now until we finally set off for Copenhagen for the 2024 World Latte Art Championships! Of course, we have our Black&White4 Competizione in our luggage. But that's not all - our appearance is also shining in new splendour! 

At the beginning of the year, Thermoplan conceived and designed a brand new trade fair stand especially for the World of Coffee events, including the World Latte Art Championship. As with our stand at HOST 2023, the aim was to create a design that was reminiscent of our new building unique and the café unique it contains - Thermoplan should be recognisable at first glance! We therefore developed a stand that fits into the barista world and perfectly reflects the coffee shop lifestyle. 

An important requirement was that the stand should be compact and simple, so that it could be set up without a stand builder. There are two Black&White4 Competizione machines on an area measuring 8x6 metres, which visitors can test directly on site. The machines are also presented in a new design, including the option of customising the exterior cladding in many colour combinations. A cosy sofa and other seating options invite visitors to enjoy informal conversations and exciting exchanges. 

With this new stand design, we will now be travelling the world and representing Thermoplan at all World of Coffee events. After Copenhagen, we will be in Dubai in early 2025.  Geneva, Houston and Jakarta are on the programme for later in the year. 

We are looking forward to sharing our passion for coffee and our Black&White4 Competizione with baristas from all over the world and are excited about the Latte Art World Championship in Copenhagen - we are ready! 

New booth for the World Latte Art Championships
New booth for the World Latte Art Championships
New booth for the World Latte Art Championships
New booth for the World Latte Art Championships
New booth for the World Latte Art Championships
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