
Thermoplan makes world champions!

Shortly before the end of the year, we received the good news: our Black&White4 CTS has qualified as a world champion machine for the World Latte Art Championships 2024 - 2027!

This is the first time in the history of the competition that a fully automatic machine has been used. 

These championships are organized by the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) and take place several times a year around the globe. As a sponsor with our Black&White4 CTS, we provide the participants in these championships with a high-quality coffee machine. With its multifunctional steam lance, our machine offers the best conditions for a successful competition. Thanks to the AutoSteam and AirSteam® function, the perfect milk foam is created in the pitcher at the touch of a button. This allows you to concentrate on the essentials in the heat of the moment - creating latte art.  

In order to pass the SCA qualification process for these championships, you have to undergo a test program and successfully complete it. We are all the happier that after a time-consuming phase of preparation, we have succeeded in doing so. Yannis Apostolopoulos, CEO of SCA, is also delighted with this decision: "We are very pleased to recognize the outstanding quality of the Thermoplan Black&White4 CTS and to announce the very first fully automatic machine at the World Coffee Championships. This marks a significant step in the important task of including a wider range of machines at the World Coffee Championships. We are honored to partner with Thermoplan over the next four years as we continue to pursue our shared goal of promoting global coffee excellence".  

Next June, our Black&White4 CTS will serve as support for the participants for the first time. From June 27-29, the World Latte Art Championship will take place in Copenhagen, where we will certainly contribute to a successful competition with our fully automatic coffee machine! 

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