
Pastries and coffee. Inseparable with neo.

Your business 
At your bakery, enjoyment and refreshment join forces. Working with customers and advising them about what to choose from your extensive product range are your core priorities. Trends play a big part in your shop as you adapt your range to changing customer requirements. Thanks to its variety of configurations, neo can be perfectly tailored to your customers, producing outstanding coffee and milk specialities, even with alternative milk varieties. What’s more, it is extremely user-friendly and can be easily and intuitively used both by serving staff and in the self-service sector. 
neo will blend in perfectly in any bakery setting. Made in Switzerland, it will add a touch of high-quality Swiss craftsmanship to your business. It is also ideal for solutions such as mobile bakeries. The flexible water tank option and conventional power supply enable you to provide your customers with premium coffee wherever you are. 

Your customers
Early in the morning, a queue can soon form in your shop. People want baked goods to start their working day – either to munch on the go or for an eat-in breakfast. The first coffee of the day needs to be top-notch, as it sticks in your mind and can influence how you start the day. It is often very busy, there’s not a lot of room, and things need to move quickly. In this scenario, neo provides one coffee after the other with consistent top quality cup after cup. If your customers require a speciality with alternative milk varieties, they can look forward to a top-notch drink with the finest milk foam – neo can also be equipped with a steam wand for foaming alternative milk varieties.

Your neo
Your neo will stand the test perfectly during the typical peak times experienced in the bakery sector. The queue function ensures that your team does not have to remember numerous drink orders, but rather can focus on what really matters – your customers. As an elegant, premium, fully automatic machine, it will blend in perfectly in your shop and provide ongoing top quality, whether early in the morning or last thing at night. The large 10-inch display can be fully customised, and you can draw your customers’ attention to your product range and offerings with images and videos.
In bakeries with serving staff, easy, intuitive operation and maximum safety are essential. Even untrained or part-time staff can use the machine easily from the outset; step-by-step instructions guide them through the cleaning process and assist them when replenishing milk and coffee beans. The neo lets you and your employees know if the cup is not correctly positioned under the spout or if water and beans need to be added or other measures taken. 

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