
High-performant and simple. neo has it all.

Your business 
The high-performance, easy-to-use Black&White4 neo is the perfect accessory for a convenience store, bringing coffee to go to a whole new level. After all, convenience is what it was made for. Do some shopping, grab a coffee, head home. In your convenience store, business is steady throughout the day, and coffee needs to be served at barista quality and at the same time safely and simply. The premium coffee machine neo meets these requirements whilst tempting customers with its elegant and extremely high-quality appearance. Whether a kiosk or supermarket, petrol station or hypermarket, it all comes down to a wide product range, convenience, and the best customer experience. Contactless and cashless payments are a must for your sector. The optional payment module provides your customers with a convenient way to pay. 
During the hectic day-to-day running of a business, there’s no time for complex cleaning processes or maintenance. The focus is on the business and not the machine. That’s why neo is designed to take up as little of your time as possible; the short, independent cleaning process does not require any staff to monitor it. The emphasis here is on your staff: neo makes life for your team as easy as possible. Even shift workers or part-time employees will get on perfectly with the intuitive controls and, thanks to the step-by-step instructions on the large 10-inch display, they won’t need any training to use the appliance. 

Your customers
Your customers want to be able to run errands, fill up the petrol tank, or do a bit of shopping in the shortest time possible. “Just a quick cup of coffee” – with neo you can meet this need, whether you’re an independent shop or a chain, a coffee corner or an in-store café. neo is flexible and can be plugged into a conventional 230-volt socket, but won’t go unnoticed. Thanks to its elegant, timeless design, it stands out from other fully automatic coffee machines and will convince busy shoppers to grab a coffee to go. With sensors to monitor coffee bean and milk fill levels, a drip tray, water tanks and a cup holder, neo is made for the self-service sector and can be complemented with our payment module. Your customers can choose from a wide range of beverages and pay for and enjoy a premium cup of coffee in your shop. 

Your neo
The neo will blend in perfectly with your business environment and will add a touch of Swiss premium quality to the shopping experience that you provide. Offering a wide range of beverages, it caters to all tastes, whether classic or decaffeinated coffee, or dairy or plant-based milk. At the same time, it is virtually silent and will not disturb you or your customers as you go about your business. In addition, thanks to the new energy-saving heating and milk technology, it is very sparing with resources and there is no sneaky power consumption during downtime. 
If you have a franchise or chain, the Thermoplan partner network is at your disposal, enabling you to equip your shops with our fully automatic machines wherever you are. Your machine can go practically anywhere as it simply needs a conventional power supply and can be fitted with a water tank. Lockable containers, a large drip tray, and a grounds drawer make the neo a safe, sure-fire solution for your business that you can leave to look after itself. 

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