
The choice is yours. neo has something for everyone.

Your business
Variety and quality not only make Black&White4 neo a meeting point, but also an excuse to take a coffee break. In offices, staffrooms, corridors, and catering facilities, employees and guests are guaranteed maximum variety and quality. During a stressful day at the office, a good cup of coffee symbolises a little time out and a chance to recharge your batteries. Spoil your employees with the neo and something to suit all tastes. It is extremely important that the machine is intuitive and easy to use, serving the desired beverage in as few steps as possible.

Time is precious, especially when you’re on your break, and getting a cup of coffee should be quick and easy. At peak times, everyone rushes to the coffee machine – neo handles the challenge perfectly and IoT solutions mean that it can even be optimised to meet the individual needs of your company.

Your customers
In offices and catering facilities, employees and guests want a reliable coffee machine with the biggest possible choice of beverages. The focus should be on your day-to-day business, not the coffee machine. Take a break, press a button, enjoy a perfect cup of coffee. neo is extremely easy to use and clean, so your employees can focus on what really matters. The intuitive step-by-step instructions guarantee efficient, easy cleaning.

Your neo
An office environment can pose a challenge: Electricity and water supplies cannot be taken for granted, which is why neo is designed to adapt to its surroundings. The machine has a built-in water tank and runs on a conventional 230-volt electricity supply, providing maximum mobility teamed with consistently high quality. In shared offices, it can also be connected to a metering system. Show your appreciation for your team with the neo. This piece of Swiss craftsmanship brings you premium coffee and a new dimension of enjoyment for your coffee break: Innovative technologies guarantee consistently high quality; beverages can be dispensed with hot or cold milk foam; and the machine has a manual insert for instant coffee, such as decaf. neo combines intuitive operation with a high degree of reliability, multiple functions, and fast dispensing of a wide range of top-notch products – a little motivation boost for your team. 

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