Open Jobs

Please find attached our current job offer.


Account Manager Nespresso 80-100% (a)

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InstandhaltungstechnikerIn (a) 80-100%

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Account Manager Starbucks 100% (a)

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Compliance Engineer (Product & Material) 100 % (a)

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EntwicklungsingenieurIn ETH / FH / HF 80-100% (a)

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For further information and questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
T +41 41 392 12 00

(a) - all are welcome!
In our job advertisements you will find the (a) instead of the (m/f/d). Why? Because everyone is welcome - big and small, young and experienced, from near or far and woman, man or diverse. This has not just been the case with us since today! DIVERSITY is written in capital letters at Thermoplan!

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