
Sports offer promotes employees' health

For the past year, all employees have been able to attend a free weekly outdoor training session.

Every Wednesday after work, employees at Thermoplan can benefit from a 50-minute intensive workout. "Dis Training varussa" (your workout outside) is led by Raffaela, a trained fitness instructor, and takes place outside in all weather conditions.   

Participants do exercises for strength, endurance and coordination. It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or already an athlete, everyone can join in and choose their own intensity.  With this offer, Thermoplan wants to promote occupational health and offer a way to balance out the daily work routine.  

In practice

  • For the past year, outdoor training has been available to all Thermoplan employees.  
  • In the future, further health-promoting offers would like to be realized 

Facts & figures

  • Every Wednesday, 4:45 - 5:35 p.m.  
  • Suitable for all levels, whether beginner or professional
Sports offer promotes employees' health
Sports offer promotes employees' health
Sports offer promotes employees' health
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