
The pre-assembly team

Sustainability starts with our employees

The basis of the sustainability strategy are our employees, which is why we ensure a healthy and safe working environment. However, there can be challenging situations in life. To support our employees in such circumstances, Thermoplan internally creates an offer that is adapted to the needs of employees facing challenging situations.

The pre-assembly team dedicates itself to selected tasks within the value chain that allow time flexibility and are adaptable in terms of complexity. In doing so, tasks from the task pool are assigned in a resource-oriented manner and carried out independently by the team members, whereby the organization is carried out by the team management.

As a regionally rooted employer, we are aware of Thermoplan's social responsibility, and we want to make our contribution. Accordingly, we also give applicants the opportunity to benefit from positions in the pre-assembly team.

In practice

  • Activities tailored to the abilities of the employee without pressure to perform
  • Versatile activities tailored to the individual
  • Optimal recovery process through close supervision and regular status discussions

Facts & figures

  • Production of small assemblies
  • Production of assemblies for the warehouse as a sole activity
  • Greater flexibility in the team

Ongoing projects

  • Finding the optimal workplace equipment
The pre-assembly team
Ankleideraum begehbarer KleiderschrankBlechverarbeitungBrandingBrunnenbohrungenChromstahlbeckenErdsondenbohrungenFitLine OptimalsetHornetsecurity Offsite-Kopie (Cloud Backup).Küchenbau nach MassMauchle PoolMetallbau, Balkonverglasung, SitzplatzverglasungMicrosoft 365 BackupNilfisk BodenreinigungsgeräteNilfisk HochdruckreinigerPflastersteinePhotovoltaikanlagePhotovoltaikanlage, SolartechnikSEO & SEA Strategie Social MediaUnternehmenskommunikation VinYara WeinshopWebagentur SurseeWebdesign Luzern Sursee Zug ZürichWhirlpool, Physiotherm, WellnessWinkelplatten