
More sustainable future thanks to LED

Thermoplan to convert all lighting by the end of the year

Since June, the lighting in Plant 3 and Plant 4 has been upgraded. The old fluorescent tubes are being completely replaced by LED lights. The conversion will ensure more sustainable and energy-efficient lighting. The conversion will reduce electricity consumption by up to 50%. The LED lights will provide cooler light in the production area, which will have a positive effect on concentration and relieve eye strain. This not only saves electricity, but also improves the quality of work. In total, almost 550 LED luminaires will be installed in the two plants by the end of August. The aim is to have converted all plants by the end of the year so that all incandescent bulbs and FL tubes are replaced by modern LED lighting. In the new unique building, this will be standard from the start.

In practice

  • LED ensures better lighting conditions and higher quality of work
  • LED tubes to be installed in all Thermoplan plants by the end of the year

Facts & figures

  • Use of a total of 545 LED tubes in Plant 3 and Plant 4 by the end of August 2023
  • Reduction of electricity consumption by up to 50% for the replaced lamps
More sustainable future thanks to LED
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