
Optimisation of supplier routes

Cleveres Supply Chain Management saves travelling and money - also thanks to new logistics company

Our coffee machines are popular around the globe – to combine this with sustainability is a challenge that Thermoplan is mastering thanks to its new logistics partner Planzer and clever delivery routes and concepts. The idea is to optimise numerous delivery routes with several trucks and smaller loads each in such a way that trucks are loaded more efficiently – i.e., take more pallets with them and make fewer kilometres instead. Doing so saves a massive amount of CO2 emissions and at the same time requires clever planning. Instead of six trucks arriving and then leaving again with individual loaded pallets, we now have groupage deliveries. A truck collects goods from various suppliers and then heads for a collective warehouse where all the different pallets are temporarily stored. From there, they are now sustainably transported by rail to the Senn railway centre in Seewen, and then delivered by truck to Thermoplan.

In practice

  • Reduction of 50 truck journeys from Küssnacht to  Weggis à instead of 100km truck ride for one pallet à reduction to 30km
  • Instead of approx. 50 deliveries with <6 pallets or single pallets à well-loaded trucks with collective deliveries

Facts & Figures

  • New logistics partner Planzer
  • Optimisation of empty containers, avoidance of traffic jams & waiting times for drivers
  • Reduction of delivery frequencies by more than 50%
  • Approx. 50% monetary savings
  • Massive CO2 reduction à rail vs. road
Optimisation of supplier routes
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