
Safe and sustainable - Shuttle packaging

Reusing packaging saves material – in the long term

Sustainability is an important part of Thermoplan. For this reason, we use pendulum packaging for the transport of individual parts for our coffee machines from local suppliers. Shuttle packaging are reusable packaging made of wood or plastic (Bitoboxes), which generate less waste, costs and CO2 emissions than disposable packaging. They protect the individual parts better from from damage during transport because they are stable and fit snugly.

An analysis with the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland has shown for a specific supplier that the pendulum packaging (Bitobox) is more climate-friendly than conventional cardboard packaging after 114 uses. Thermoplan is proud to contribute to the circular economy and climate protection with the pendulum packaging.

In practice

  • After 114 uses, shuttle packaging (Bitobox) is more climate-friendly than disposable cardboard packaging

Facts & figures

  • Reduce CO2 emissions by avoiding packaging materials
  • Reduce waste, as they have a very long service life
  • Reduce labour costs as they can be stored directly in the shuttle warehouse
Safe and sustainable - Shuttle packaging
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