
Shuttle warehouse roof as an energy supplier

Production energy thanks to photovoltaic system

With the construction of the shuttle warehouse in 2019, a photovoltaic system was installed on its roof that covers 10% of Thermoplan's entire electricity requirements at its headquarters in Weggis. In 2021 alone, it produced enough energy to charge 2,600 electric cars.

In practice

  • The energy generated since the installation of the PV system in 2019 could be used to charge 6,300 electric cars
  • PV system saved > 557,000 lb of CO2 emissions in 2021

Facts & Figures

  • Setup of a photovoltaic system during the construction of the shuttle warehouse in 2019
  • 558 panels installed with a total power of 150 kWp
  • 2,600 electric cars can be charged in one year with the PV system alone (2021)
Shuttle warehouse roof as an energy supplier
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