
New Life for Black&White3 machines

With the "Re-Use" project, we are bringing used Black&White3 machines back from the market to Weggis for thorough inspection.

The Black&White3 was launched in 2009. Today, 15 years later, many of these machines are nearing the end of their lifecycle. Since sustainability is deeply embedded in Thermoplan's vision, we aim to refurbish and reuse well-preserved parts of these machines to extend their overall lifecycle. 

The plan is to retrieve an additional ten Black&White3 machines that were in use in Germany, refurbish them, and redeploy them in price-sensitive markets. This will make Swiss-made quality accessible in lower-income markets. Currently, these markets are dominated by cheaper, lower-quality machines that are quickly amortized but come with a high environmental cost due to the waste they generate. In contrast, Thermoplan's durable machines, even in their second life, are well-supported and maintained thanks to our global service network. 

Our initiative not only contributes to a more sustainable use of our machines but also enhances the expertise of our production staff. Furthermore, Thermoplan, as the manufacturer, can comprehensively test the machines before resale, providing valuable insights for research and development. This process helps identify weaknesses from actual usage, which in turn extends the lifespan of future machines.  

New Life for Black&White3 machines
New Life for Black&White3 machines
New Life for Black&White3 machines
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