
Recycled packaging for spare parts

Thermoplan relies on recycled packaging materials

In an effort to achieve our sustainability goals, Thermoplan not only focuses on developing its fully automatic coffee machines sustainably, but also considers the entire life cycle of the products. In order to make further progress with our "Product" thrust, we have made the packaging for spare parts for our coffee machines more sustainable. Previously, the small parts used for maintenance and servicing were packed in individual plastic bags. These bags are now made from 100% recycled materials that can also be recycled again. This extends the life cycle of these bags. Not only the individual parts, but also the overall packaging of the machines and smaller packages have been adapted accordingly. The films, strapping bands and document pockets are now also made from 100% recycled materials. As soon as the technology makes it possible in the future, other packaging components will be retrofitted accordingly. 

The switch to recycled packaging not only contributes to our sustainability footprint, but also increases customer satisfaction. In addition, new EU regulations stipulate that a certain minimum percentage of plastic imports must be recycled in order for the importer to be exempt from the associated tax. This regulation will come into force in Spain and the UK from January 2024. At Thermoplan, we are confident that we will review many more items in the coming year and switch to more sustainable alternatives.   


In practice

  • At Thermoplan, many packaging elements are already made from 100% recycled materials. 
  • All packaging materials can be recycled.  


Facts & Figures

  • The use of recycled materials minimizes the extraction of new resources.  
  • New EU regulation determines minimum proportion of recycled materials when importing plastic. 
  • The use of recycled materials can save resources and costs. 
Recycled packaging for spare parts
Recycled packaging for spare parts
Recycled packaging for spare parts
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