Thermoplan as a training company

Thermoplan offers qualified talents and motivated learners attractive professional careers. Discover now how you can contribute and develop your career at Thermoplan.

You may already have noticed that we have a «you» culture at Thermoplan. This already starts during the application process. Welcome to the Thermoplan family!

Open apprenticeships

Please find attached our open apprenticeships.


Logistiker/in EFZ (a) (Lehrstelle)

More information

Fachmann/-frau Reinigungstechnik EFZ (a)

More information

For further information and questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
T +41 41 392 12 00

Apprenticeship already gone?
Your dream apprenticeship has already been taken? Contact us so that we can look for solutions together.

Learn at Thermoplan

Learn with the best!

Thermoplan is a global leader in the fully automatic coffee machine industry for professional use. To ensure that this remains the case, we invest extensively in innovations and in talent. Because well-trained and motivated professionals are an essential factor for our success. With our committed trainee program we are making our contribution.

Apprentice automation technician soldering on a coffee machine
Apprentices during a talk at the workplace

Insights into our apprenticeships

Below you can see some videos that give you an insight into our apprenticeships.

Are you looking for an exciting apprenticeship where you will be supported and challenged? Would you like to learn in a company where teamwork and collegiality are core values? Are you open to a globally active and locally rooted company in the industrial sector? We could be a good match!

Automation Engineer m/f EFZ

«The profession of automation engineer contributes to the development of new machines.» Marco

Apprentices discuss a plan in the workshop
Facility manager cleans roof garden with leaf blower

Facility Management Specialist m/f EFZ

«As a facility management specialist, your main activities are the inspection, maintenance and cleaning of buildings and outdoor facilities.» Samuel

ICT Specialist m/f EFZ / Information Technologist, Specialism Application Development m/f EFZ

«One of my highlights is that we are currently rebuilding the infrastructure, which has given me the opportunity to set up servers myself.» Patrizia

«One of my main activities is to develop software, then test it and find solutions quickly.» Elias

Apprentice computer scientists program on the computer
Apprentices during an interview at the workplace


«I chose this profession because I really like working on the computer and also appreciate the customer contact.» Fabio

Designer m/f EFZ

«As a designer EFZ, you do a lot of modelling in the CAD programme. You also have to communicate a lot and attend many meetings. Also with other departments.» Florian

Learners leaf through a book on a desk
Apprentice logistician with boxes

Logistics Specialist m/f EFZ

«If you are interested in the entire logistics process from incoming goods, storage and outgoing goods, then apply as a logistics specialist.» Dani

Mechanics Practitioner m/f EBA

«First we assemble smaller components. Then we also completely assemble larger components. Finally, we check the function of the hydraulic and mechanical module.» Maxime

Apprentice in coffee machine production
Employees in workshop

Production Mechanic m/f EFZ / Polymechanic m/f EFZ

«I decided to become an production mechanic EFZ because I am very interested in manual work. And because I really enjoy working with machines.» Ricky


In addition to an innovative, internationally operative family business and many other benefits.

Free lunch & drinks
Free lunch & drinks

In the in-house staff restaurant, the Thermoplan kitchen team cooks a varied menu every day. Enjoy free soup, salad, main course and veggie alternative!

Birthday free
Birthday free

Thermoplan offers you time for your birthday. You have your birthday off! Even if it is on a weekend or a public holiday.

Corporate events
Corporate events

Every Thermoplan success is a shared success that we celebrate together with you!


Wir lieben Kaffee, deshalb hast du die Gelegenheit, an einem professionellen Barista-Kurs in unserer in-house Coffee Academy teilzunehmen. Vertiefe dein Wissen rund um Kaffee.

Company-owned fitness studio MOVE
Company-owned fitness studio MOVE

Our employees train free of charge 24/7 in our in-house MOVE fitness studio. The training area is supervised from 16:00 to 18:00. There are also various group courses.

Cost sharing massage
Cost sharing massage

Tense? Thermoplan will pay half the cost of CHF 20 for an in-house twenty-minute "chair massage".

Membership SPZ
Membership SPZ

Thermoplan is a member of the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation (Nottwil). We pay for the membership for you and your family members (spouse, children up to the age of 18).

Health promotion
Health promotion

The health of Thermoplan employees is central. Active encouragement within the framework of occupational health management ensures that this remains the case.

CAP Legal protection
CAP Legal protection

As a thermal planner, you are well covered by CAP legal protection insurance. Whether in family, private or traffic law - you can count on the competent support of CAP in an emergency!

Discount for health insurances
Discount for health insurances

discount on supplementary insurance with CSS, Concordia and Helsana. Thanks to our framework contract, you benefit from attractive conditions in the same household.

Swibeco advantage platform
Swibeco advantage platform

At Thermoplan you benefit from a variety of exclusive advantages. These include attractive discounts on numerous top brands. Get high-quality products at favorable conditions!

Blechverarbeitung und DrahtverarbeitungChromstahlbeckenChromstahlpoolsCreanetEinbauschrank nach Mass für GenerationenErdsondenbohrungenFitLine,Powercocktail,RestorateFull Service Marketing Agentur Holzbau InnenausbauMessestand & Point of SaleMetallbau, Balkonverglasung, SitzplatzverglasungPermanent Make UpPermanent Make Up - Augen Permanent Make Up - Augenbrauen Permanent Make Up - Lippen Photovoltaikanlage, SolartechnikPhysiothermSchule für Massage, Kosmetik, FusspflegeSEO & SEA Strategie Social MediaTherapiebeckenTreuhand LuzernWebdesignWerbeagentur für Digital und BrandingWhirlpool, Physiotherm, Wellness