uniqueBean - A heartfelt wish becomes a reality

To mark the 50th anniversary of Thermoplan AG and the new unique building, we launched the uniqueBean social project. As a family business, it is important to us to give something back to society and help those who do not have the same opportunities as we do.

The passion for coffee

We are passionate about coffee, we love and live coffee. That's why coffee is the focus of this project. It therefore made sense for us to choose Ethiopia as the target country for our project, as it is considered the country of origin of coffee. Ethiopia is also one of the world's most important coffee-growing countries.

We are supported in this project by Caritas Switzerland, which has been involved in various projects in Ethiopia since 1974. Thanks to their help, our heart's desire quickly became a reality.

Ethiopian woman sitting in coffee beans with coffee bags in the background
Ethiopian men drinking coffee at the coffee ceremony

Our vision

Our vision is to empower families and communities in the Bale region through sustainable coffee farming by providing them with various sources of income and ensuring a solid livelihood. In doing so, we want to use our many years of experience to bring about long-term positive changes in the lives of these people.

In addition, we strive to use our know-how in various projects in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa. By creating training opportunities, we want to counteract the high level of youth unemployment and offer new prospects.

Our projects in the Bale region

Resilience package: Supporting families and households in terms of food security through vegetable gardens, chicken farming and composting.

Income & nature: Promotion of business models and sources of income in harmony with the ecosystem. For example, through beekeeping (honey, wax, plant diversity) or additional income from coffee waste (charcoal from coffee husks, coffee tea)

Sustainable coffee cultivation: sustainable management of coffee plantations, search for coffee buyers who value sustainability, system for monitoring and tracing coffee

Harenna Forest Coffee Branding: Improve the visibility and market access of Harenna Forest coffee, develop own brand

Ethiopian coffee farm in the Bale region
Hands with coffee beans

Our projects in Addis Ababa

Coffee Hub: Supporting unemployed young people on their way to becoming coffee entrepreneurs, creating training and education opportunities, supporting start-ups

Coffee Union (& roastery): Local and store with products from the Harenna Forest, own roasteries for sale to cafés in Ethiopia

Innovation and cooperation: Improvement of the market system through coffee market platform, Bale Coffee Forum, co-determination of laws and regulations, Thermoplan Innovation Award

Make a difference with uniqueBean

No donation is too small or too large, but every donation has an impact and brings long-term positive changes to the lives of Ethiopian coffee farmers - and you can be part of it.

Donate via Thermoplan
Donate via Bank transfer (without donation receipt):
Schwyzer Kantonalbank
IBAN: CH07 0077 7001 6430 9627 6 (Reference "uniqueBean")

Or conveniently via TWINT to the uniqueBean account (without donation receipt):

Donate via Caritas
Thanks to our collaboration with Caritas Switzerland, we were able to launch uniqueBean. Donate via Caritas and receive an official donation receipt.

Thank you for your support!

Woman working with coffee beans in front of coffee sacks in Ethiopia


November 2024
Women high-five with contract conclusion

Great news! The Ethiopian government has officially approved the project. In the meantime, the on-site project team has been completed. Now, practical work can gradually begin.

May 2024
Men working in the fields of a coffee farm in Ethiopia

A part of the project team, together with Caritas Switzerland, spent a week in Ethiopia. They visited the project regions and met with local people to gain insight into daily challenges and discuss initial solution approaches.

March 2024
Project team uniqueBean on stage

At the gala evening celebrating Thermoplan’s 50th anniversary, the uniqueBean project team presented their initiative to all Thermoplan employees for the first time.

February 2024
Project team uniqueBean at Caritas

In a workshop at Caritas Switzerland’s headquarters, various ideas were collaboratively developed that would be suitable for the individual sub-projects of uniqueBean.

Harenna Forest in Ethiopia
Coffee plantation in Ethiopia
Woman preparing coffee in Ethiopia - Thermoplan social project
Men from a village community at a coffee ceremony in Ethiopia
Man at work on a coffee plantation in Ethiopia
Hands with unroasted coffee beans

uniqueBean News from Thermoplan

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