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Coffee preparation without pressure

Coffee methods without pressure - the gentle way to make coffee

Filter coffee is probably the most classic and oldest method of making good coffee - long before the advent of modern machines. Here, the ground coffee powder comes into contact with hot water and is brewed for a certain amount of time to allow the fine aromas to develop optimally. This method of preparation is more like an infusion, as with tea, as opposed to espresso, which is extracted by pressure. There are basically two methods for preparing coffee without pressure: immersion and percolation.


Coffee draws completely in the water

With immersion methods, the ground powder remains completely in the hot water for a certain amount of time before it is then separated by a filter. This type of coffee preparation ensures a full-bodied taste, as the flavors are extracted slowly. Here are some of the most popular immersion methods for making the best freshly brewed coffee without any pressure.

French Press - Classic press plunger jug

The French press is one of the easiest ways to prepare filter coffee manually. Originally invented in France around 1850 and later patented by Italian designer Attilio Calimani, this method works without pressure and produces a strong, strong coffee.


  1. Place about 60 grams of coffee in the pot with a rather coarse grind.
  2. Pour hot water (approx. 91-96 °C) on top.
  3. Leave to infuse for about 3 minutes and then stir.
  4. Slowly press the plunger down to separate the coffee grounds.

As no paper filter is used with this method, the natural coffee oils are retained, which makes the taste full and intense.

French press coffee preparation on a gray table in the coffee academy
Aeropress preparation on a gray background Coffee Academy

Aeropress - Fast coffee on the go

The AeroPress was invented in 2005 by American engineer Alan Adler with the aim of making coffee particularly quickly, easily and yet aromatically. Thanks to its compact and lightweight design, it is perfect for on the go - whether you are traveling, in the office or camping, with the AeroPress you can make a cup of coffee anytime and anywhere.


  1. Pour medium-fine ground coffee into the brewing cylinder.
  2. Pour hot water (80-90 °C) over it and allow to bloom briefly.
  3. Wait about 30 seconds, stir and then slowly press the plunger down.

The result is a full-bodied, aromatic coffee that contains fewer bitter substances than classic filter coffee.

Cold Brew - Cold extraction for a fine taste

Cold brew is the ideal coffee method for anyone who doesn't want to miss out on their perfect coffee, even on hot days. With its smooth, refreshing taste and low acidity, it is a particularly digestible alternative to hot brewed coffee. Cold brew also has the longest brewing time of all methods - it brews for between 12 and 24 hours, which gives it an exceptionally fine aroma.

Legend has it that this technique was invented by a Dutch traveler in Asia when he was looking for a way to prepare coffee without hot water. Today, cold brew is popular all over the world - not least because it can be enjoyed in so many ways: on its own, on ice, with milk or even as a base for creative cocktails.


  1. Place 100 grams of coarsely ground coffee in a container.
  2. Fill with 1 liter of cold water and leave to infuse in the fridge for 12-24 hours.
  3. Then strain through a filter and enjoy.

Cold brew contains less acid and bitter substances, but more caffeine. Anyone looking for a refreshing, smooth coffee will love this method.

ColdBrew coffee with lime and bottle in Café


Coffee slowly seeps through the filter

During percolation, the hot water flows slowly through the ground coffee powder and then through a filter. This process ensures a particularly even extraction, allowing fine aromas to develop optimally. The result is a clear, clean brewed coffee with a balanced taste.

The best-known percolation method is the pour-over method, in which the water is poured slowly and in a controlled circular motion over the ground powder by hand. A decisive factor for a perfect result is the correct brewing technique: the water should have a temperature of 91-96 °C and the coffee should first be moistened with a small amount of water for the so-called blooming. This allows the CO₂ in the coffee to evaporate, which makes the preparation even more even.

Filter coffee preparation on gray table in coffee academy

Hario V60 coffee filter - The hand filter for perfectionists

The Hario V60 was developed in 2004 by the Japanese company Hario, a renowned glass manufacturer, and is now one of the most popular filter coffee methods in the world. Its conical construction with a precise 60° angle was specially designed to enable particularly even extraction. The name "V60" is derived precisely from this: the "V" stands for the shape, the "60" for the angle.


  1. Place the paper filter in the attachment and rinse with hot water.
  2. Pour in 30 grams of coffee with a medium grind.
  3. Pour in hot water (91-96 °C) in slow, circular movements.
  4. Wait until the water has slowly seeped through.

The paper filter leaves behind fine particles and oils, making the coffee clearer and purer.

Chemex - elegance and purity in a cup of coffee

The Chemex was invented in 1940 by German chemist Peter J. Schlumbohm and today is not only one of the finest filter coffee methods, but also a real design statement. Its elegant, glass shape with the characteristic wooden sleeve makes it an eye-catcher in any kitchen. No wonder it has even been on display at the Museum of Modern Art in New York since 1958.

But the Chemex is not only visually impressive - it also stands for a particularly clear and pure taste. Thanks to the special, extra-thick paper filters, oils and fine particles are retained more than with other hand filter methods, resulting in a particularly smooth, harmonious cup of coffee. Preparation may take a little longer, but the effort is worth it: anyone who loves perfect coffee will appreciate the Chemex. A tip: As the coffee is brewed a little more slowly due to the smooth inside of the Chemex, a slightly coarser medium grind is recommended for optimum results.


  1. Insert special Chemex paper filter and rinse.
  2. Pour in 60 grams of coffee with a medium grind.
  3. Pour in hot water in a circular motion.
  4. The coffee flows slowly through the thick paper filter, giving it a particularly fine taste.

Thanks to the thicker filter, more coffee oils are filtered out, making the coffee taste softer and less bitter.

Chemex preparation on gray table in coffee academy

Conclusion - Which method is the best?

Which preparation is best depends on individual preferences. If you like strong, oily coffee, you should go for the French press. Those who prefer smooth, cool flavors are well advised to use cold brew. Aeropress is perfect for on the go, while the Hario V60 and Chemex deliver particularly fine, clear coffee. No matter which method you choose, the quality of the ground coffee beans is crucial for the perfect coffee!

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